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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Binance Rebuked by Ontario With Trading Permit Still Pending - Bloomberg

Binance was reprimanded by the Ontario Securities Commission for telling users of its cryptocurrency trading platform that it was allowed to continue operations in Canada when it still lacks a registration to do so.  

“This is unacceptable,” the OSC said in a statement on its website Thursday. “Binance has issued a notice to users, without any notification to the OSC.”

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Binance Rebuked by Ontario With Trading Permit Still Pending - Bloomberg
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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Autopsy results pending in homicide; woman's body discovered during welfare check - Arkansas Online

EL DORADO -- The investigation is continuing in the slaying of an El Dorado woman who was found earlier this month inside her residence at a local apartment complex.

Capt. Scott Harwell of the El Dorado Police Department's Criminal Investigative Division said last week that he is still awaiting a medical examiner's report from the state Crime Laboratory in Little Rock to determine the cause of death for 57-year-old Carolyn Richards.

"We know that the manner of death is homicide. They're in the process of doing their autopsy right now and I hope to receive a phone call at some point ... that could tell us the cause of death," Harwell said previously.

Richards was found dead on the morning of Dec. 8 inside her residence on W. First Street in El Dorado.

Officers responded at 7:53 a.m. Dec. 8 to a report of a possible homicide.

Harwell said a friend or family member had gone to Richards' apartment to check on her after becoming concerned when they were unable to reach her.

Police have released few details about the case, citing the ongoing investigation.

When asked about the state of the residence when officers arrived, Harwell described the scene as gruesome and declined to comment further. He said it appeared that Richards had been dead for several hours and that she last spoke to a friend or relative by phone at approximately 7 p.m. Dec. 7.

Harwell said investigators are still probing the matter and did not have any details they were ready to release publicly.

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Autopsy results pending in homicide; woman's body discovered during welfare check - Arkansas Online
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Saturday, December 25, 2021

Friday, December 24, 2021

No arrests, no charges pending following a shelter-in-place in Frederick - The Denver Channel

FREDERICK, Colo. — Police say no arrests were made and no charges are pending following a shelter-in-place in Frederick Thursday afternoon.

Around 2:21 p.m., the Frederick Police Department says officers were dispatched to the area of Hawthorn Street and Hawthorn Circle for a welfare check.

A reverse 911 to shelter in place was issued to residents and individuals in the area. The department says the reverse 911 was initiated out of an abundance of caution.

Around 4:41 p.m., the shelter in place was lifted.

Police say the incident has been resolved. No arrests have been made, and no charges are pending at this time, according to the department.

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No arrests, no charges pending following a shelter-in-place in Frederick - The Denver Channel
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Thursday, December 23, 2021

With final approval pending, CrossWinds continues plan to consolidate at former Chi Omega building - KVOE

There are still some moving parts to CrossWinds Counseling and Wellness’ potential move from its longstanding home at 1000 Lincoln — and other offices across town — to the former Chi Omega building at 1519 Merchant.

Part of that is awaiting City Commission approval, possibly as soon as next month. Part of that is also which buildings to close. However, CrossWinds CEO Amanda Cunningham was very pleased the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission lent its unanimous support earlier this week and she says this will meet numerous needs for the agency.

Cunningham says the Chi Omega facility — built in 2001 — should offer benefits to clients as well.

CrossWinds is nearing the end of a 30-year lease with Newman Regional Health for the Lincoln Street office. Cunningham says there are also two possible 10-year extensions, but Newman Regional Health has asked for the lease to end as scheduled in 2024 so it can pursue its own growth opportunities. CrossWinds looked at building a new facility, but that was not a feasible option.

There will be some renovation of the Chi Omega building if city commissioners approve a Conditional Use Permit for the property, so there will be a capital campaign likely announced next year.

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With final approval pending, CrossWinds continues plan to consolidate at former Chi Omega building - KVOE
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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

What Does 'Pending' Mean In Real Estate? - Zing! Blog by Quicken Loans

What Does It Mean When A House Is Pending?

When a home has a pending offer, it means that a buyer has made an offer that the property's seller has accepted. The sellers and buyers are now just waiting to close the sale of the property, whether the buyer is making an all-cash offer or plans to finance the purchase of the home with a mortgage.

When a home is pending, you can no longer try to outbid another buyer for the property. Your chance to buy the home has most likely passed, unless the sale falls through, an unlikely but not impossible event.

Answer box: When a home sale is pending, it means that the sellers have accepted an offer from a buyer. The home sale will close once the buyers and sellers sign the paperwork that makes the sale official. Once a home is listed as pending, the odds are low that other buyers will get the chance to purchase it.

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What Does 'Pending' Mean In Real Estate? - Zing! Blog by Quicken Loans
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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Fenwick Represents Amunix in Pending $1.2… - Fenwick & West LLP

Fenwick is representing Amunix, an immuno-oncology company, in its pending acquisition by Sanofi, a global biopharmaceutical company.

The acquisition will help Sanofi accelerate its efforts to expand its contributions to medicines for oncology patients and highlights its commitment to investing in research and discovery platforms. Under the terms of the agreement, Sanofi will acquire Amunix for an upfront payment of approximately $1 billion and up to $225 million upon achievement of certain future development milestones. The transaction is expected to close by the end of the first quarter of 2022, subject to customary closing conditions. More information can be obtained from Sanofi’s announcement.

The Fenwick transaction team includes corporate partners Effie Toshav, Doug Cogen, David Michaels and Amanda Rose, associates Christopher Gorman and Min Ju Park and law clerk Shannon Lieu; executive compensation & employee benefits partner Nancy Chen and associate Christophe Delrieu; technology transactions partner Stefano Quintini and associates Sophia Chen, Jefferson Lin, Kehl Sink, Trisha Hilder, and Monica Kim, staff attorneys Amy Brown, Jalila Sparks and Margaret Nguyen and law clerk Sarah Meyers; and intellectual property litigation law clerk Diana Buck.

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Fenwick Represents Amunix in Pending $1.2… - Fenwick & West LLP
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Fort Wayne boy suffered injuries, but cause of death ‘pending,’ coroner says - WANE

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Fort Wayne boy suffered injuries, but cause of death ‘pending,’ coroner says  WANE
Fort Wayne boy suffered injuries, but cause of death ‘pending,’ coroner says - WANE
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Patent-pending mould-inhibiting packaging set to make big dent in bread waste -

Since 2017, the Wisconsin-based company has helped US commercial bakeries address the major waste challenge, which sees over 700 million spoiled or expired sell-by loaves of bread being tossed annually, costing the sector around $1.4bn. This represents 12% of the pre-retail food waste for grain products. Another 19% (accounting for $2.2bn) is lost at consumer level, thanks to stale and mouldy bread.

“SoFresh, Inc. is committed to mitigating food spoilage. Our team is dedicated to fighting food waste in the US and throughout the world,”​ said cofounder, president and CEO Toby Thomas.

The team is headed by Thomas and cofounder and chief technology officer Bill Belias.

“We have been on a 25-year quest to keep food fresh. We are both engineers experienced in bringing innovations to food companies solving their most pressing needs,”​ said Thomas.

Stopping mould from forming colonies

The duo has developed patent-pending moisture activated materials that use elevated moisture levels of perishable foods to release mould-inhibiting FDA-approved vapour, which stops mould spores from multiplying and forming colonies. This enables bakeries to extend their onshelf time from four day to 14-16 days.

“SoFresh has commercialised packaging for the bakery industry and our early adopters are realising 4X the shelf life of preservative-free baked goods, saving them big money,”​ said Thomas.

“We have trials ongoing with more than 30 small to very large wholesale bakeries, including three top 10 bakeries in North America.”

He added the company is also working with several big box stores and major retailers to deliver 1-2 extra days of shelf life to fresh baked goods instore, along with thaw-n-sell products. The packaging enables goods to retain their clean label status by eliminating Calcium Propionate, ascorbic acid, vinegar, raisin extract and cultured wheat (known as propionic acid).

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Patent-pending mould-inhibiting packaging set to make big dent in bread waste -
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Why Treasury's Pending Race-Based Analysis of Stimulus Payments is Important - Just Taxes Blog

December 21, 2021

The Treasury Department recently announced that it would begin new research to examine the impact of certain tax policies through a racial equity lens. This is welcome news for researchers and advocates fighting for an equitable and just tax code.

This research is a product of the Biden Administration’s first Executive Order, which outlined his equity agenda and acknowledged the importance of data in achieving it. Among other things, the Order established an inter-agency Equitable Data Working Group to “identify inadequacies in federal data collection” and “expand the data available.” This taskforce is a groundbreaking first step toward data disaggregation with implications for equity and accountability.

One important data inadequacy is the lack of demographic information in tax data. While the IRS data offers rich data on taxpayer income, it does not collect information on important demographic characteristics like race and ethnicity. This presents a challenge for researchers interested in the racialized impacts of the U.S. tax system and has prompted many researchers and organizations to advocate for public-use tax data that is disaggregated by race and ethnicity.

Given these data limitations, ITEP has created its own methodology to analyze tax policy through a racial equity lens. Using secondary sources of demographic information, ITEP imputes race and ethnicity characteristics onto tax data. Our research has shown that without an explicit racial equity lens, tax policy research can perpetuate the dangerous myth that tax policy has the same impact on Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous communities as it does on White communities.

Using this methodology, ITEP has been able to show the importance of progressive state income taxes in achieving racial equity, the impact  of tax credits like the CTC and EITC expansions across different race and ethnic groups, and the diverse families who benefit from tax credit reforms in the Build Back Better plan. In 2018, ITEP analyzed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, revealing that on average, white families received a substantially larger tax cut than Black and Hispanic families and the vast majority of the benefit of the tax cuts overall. All these analyses show that tax policy can have significant and sometimes disparate impacts on families of different races and ethnicities. These kinds of data-driven insights are a critical in the fight for tax justice.

We are heartened to see the Treasury acknowledging the importance of this work and we are looking forward to seeing this long-neglected field of study grow in the months and years ahead. The scope of the Treasury’s work will be narrow at first, examining the distribution of the Economic Impact Payments, commonly referred to as stimulus payment, that individuals and households received for COVID relief. The Treasury’s goal, however, is to create a reliable model for imputing race, ethnicity, gender, and other demographic information onto tax data that can be used to analyze a wider range of tax policies. The Treasury has also said that it plans to make much of this data public, allowing outside researchers to examine the equity effects of the tax code more broadly.

This new research initiative represents a commitment to addressing equity data challenges at the highest level of government.

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Why Treasury's Pending Race-Based Analysis of Stimulus Payments is Important - Just Taxes Blog
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Amicus Brief for Pending Clean Air Act Supreme Court Case - Kevin Cramer

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) joined U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), 46 Senate colleagues, and 44 House members on an amicus curiae brief filed in the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the petitioners, including the state of North Dakota, in the pending case West Virginia, et al. v. Environmental Protection Agency.


The members agree the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) acted outside its congressionally-directed authority by issuing significantly overreaching rules—namely the Clean Power Plan—to attempt to transform the nation’s power sector through emissions regulations under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act.


“If Congress had intended to give the EPA such sweeping authority to transform an entire sector of our economy, Congress would have done so explicitly. An administrative agency like the EPA may decide issues of such vast economic and political significance only when the agency can point to ‘clear congressional authorization.’


“Decisions regarding greenhouse gas emissions and the power sector are major policy questions with vast economic and political significance. Only elected members of Congress, representing the will of the people, may decide these questions. The EPA’s attempt to issue expansive regulations cannot stand in the absence of clear congressional authorization.


“Congress knows how to address greenhouse gas emissions. In recent years, Congress has decided to pass transformative laws that incentivize reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from a wide range of industries, including the electric power sector,” the brief states. 


Senate cosigners of the brief include Senators Rob Portman (R-OH), Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), John Boozman (R-AR), Jim Risch (R-ID), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Jerry Moran (R-KS), John Barrasso (R-WY), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Tom Tillis (R-NC), John Thune (R-SD), Richard Burr (R-NC), John Kennedy (R-LA), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Bill Hagerty (R-TN), Josh Hawley (R-MO), John Cornyn (R-TX), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Tim Scott (R-SC), James Lankford (R-OK), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), John Hoeven (R-ND), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Mike Braun (R-IN), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Steve Daines (R-MT), Todd Young (R-IN), Ben Sasse (R-NE), Rand Paul (R-KY), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Rick Scott (R-FL). 


House cosigners of the brief include Representatives Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Steve Scalise (R-LA), Fred Upton (R-MI), Michael C. Burgess (R-TX), Robert E. Latta (R-OH), Brett Guthrie (R-KY), David B. McKinley (R-WV), Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), Morgan Griffith (R-VA), Gus M. Bilirakis (R-FL), Bill Johnson (R-OH), Billy Long (R-MO), Larry Bucshon (R-IN), Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), Richard Hudson (R-NC), Tim Walberg (R-MI), Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Gary J. Palmer (R-AL), Neal P. Dunn (R-FL), John R. Curtis (R-UT), Debbie Lesko (R-AZ), Greg Pence (R-IN), Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), John Joyce (R-PA), Kelly Armstrong (R-ND), Troy Balderson (R-OH), Cliff Bentz (R-OR), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Tom Emmer (R-MN), Russ Fulcher (R-ID), Garret Graves (R-LA), Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), Dan Meuser (R-PA), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), Carol Miller (R-WW), Alex Mooney (R-WV), Dan Newhouse (R-WA), Ralph Norman (R-SC), Jay Obernolte (R-CA), August Pfluger (R-TX), Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA), and Bruce Westerman (R-AR).  


Click here to read the full amicus brief.

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Amicus Brief for Pending Clean Air Act Supreme Court Case - Kevin Cramer
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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Federal judge denies JT Burnette's motion for release pending appeal - WCTV

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - In a 32 page order, Federal Judge Robert Hinkle denied JT Burnette’s motion to remain out of prison pending his appeal.

Hinkle called the month-long trial “full and fair,” adding, “The evidence on the five counts of conviction was overwhelming.”

Burnette was convicted on five counts, including extortion, two counts of honest services mail fraud, one count of violating the Travel Act, and lying to the FBI.

He was acquitted on four others, including racketeering conspiracy, two counts of honest services mail fraud, and one count of violating the Travel Act.

He was sentenced to three years in prison.

Hinkle said Burnette’s appeal is based on three main issues.

“Two involve the jury instructions which were correct and to which Mr. Burnette understandably did not object at the time,” he wrote.

The third issue involves the testimony of FBI Agent Mike Sweet, and his use of the term “false exculpatory statements.”

Hinkle called it “insignificant, volunteered testimony-- testimony to which Mr. Burnette did not object on the grounds he now asserts.”

In his ruling, Judge Hinkle said the defense tried to “make this a trial about the FBI agents’ handling of the investigation.”

Hinkle did extend the deadline for Burnette to report to prison from January 9th to January 23, 2022.

Copyright 2021 WCTV. All rights reserved.

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Federal judge denies JT Burnette's motion for release pending appeal - WCTV
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Man City Manager Pep Guardiola Opens Up on Pending Premier League Decision Amid COVID-19 Crisis - Sports Illustrated

Manchester City extended their lead at the top of the Premier League table to four points with a convincing 4-0 win against Newcastle as Liverpool and Chelsea were both held to draws in their respective fixtures.

Six Premier League games were called off in total due to confirmed COVID-19 cases within a few clubs this weekend, which is set to result in fixture congestion in the coming weeks and months.

There were massive doubts over whether Chelsea's league clash against Wolves at the Molineux Stadium would go through on Sunday after there were three additional confirmed cases within Thomas Tuchel's squad following testing that occurred on Saturday morning.

A meeting is set to be held on Monday between all 20 sides in the Premier League to discuss how best to tackle the ongoing COVID-19 crisis that led to games once again being cancelled ahead of the New Year.

Speaking to the press after his side's win against Newcastle, Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola stated that he and his squad will fully back the decision taken by the Premier League on how games will be played out in the coming weeks.

The Catalan said, as quoted by Manchester City's official website: “I will support the doctors and scientists and the Premier League’s decision. I see people in the street, nobody wearing a mask, nobody social distancing. That’s why it will happen sooner or later."

The Premier League champions are set to face off against Leicester City and Brentford before locking horns against Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium on New Year's Day.

Guardiola added: “We try to create a good environment to realise the danger is still here. We have to try it knowing it’s not easy, it’s a problem worldwide that’s still there. The virus is there, the new variant. We will support what the Premier League decides."

You can follow us for live updates here: @City_Xtra

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Man City Manager Pep Guardiola Opens Up on Pending Premier League Decision Amid COVID-19 Crisis - Sports Illustrated
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Friday, December 17, 2021

NK Town Council won't freeze school fund pending Thomas investigation - The Independent

NORTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. — The North Kingstown Town Council voted against requesting that the School Committee freeze their unrestricted fund balance pending resolution of the ongoing investigations at their meeting last Monday.

Councilor Mary Brimer, who put forth the motion, said that it is not uncommon when there are scandals of this magnitude or potential lawsuits for governing bodies to freeze a budget and suspend excess spending until it is resolved.

“I suggested at the last meeting that we freeze the fund balance of the school until we know that it’s settled and it goes away. We resolve it that the fund balance should be the first money on the line to pay out any settlement that we might be facing. It might settle out in three months and no big deal.”

Brimer went on to say that Superintendent Phil Auger has not attended a health and wellness committee meeting in over a year, and Brimer said that the school department hasn’t held a policy meeting all year. According to Brimer, Auger has attended six DEI subcommittee meetings this year while not attending a single health and wellness committee meeting all year.

“Here’s a situation where there’s a very large liability that this town faces,” councilor Kerry McKay said. “Potentially if this goes the course that it could go, you have hundreds of students that have potentially been through this that could decide that maybe they want to come forward. Our own fund balance could be attacked.”

Councilor Katherine Anderson expressed concern that the motivations for restricting the fund balance were not only related to the pending legal liability resulting from possible lawsuits. Councilors Kerry and Brimer both referred to the DEI subcommittee and money spent on it while supporting their positions in requesting for the school committee to freeze its unrestricted funds.

“I’m a bit confused because on the one hand we say we’re going to freeze the fund balance because the town may have a certain liability, this is not a punishment, this is not about other issues and it’s strictly about the potential liability facing the town,” said Anderson. “Then I just heard a number of other issues so now I’m unsure of why we’re restricting the fund balance.    As we start bringing up other issues like DEI I can’t help but think this seems rather opportunistic.”

The money in the unrestricted fund balance is most commonly used for emergency repairs, School Committee President Gregory Blasbalg said after the yearly joint meeting between the school committee and town council earlier in the evening.

“Recent events have done nothing to change the responsibility that this community has to educate our students and to provide them with the facilities and equipment that they need to learn,” Blasbalg said. “The school department fund balance is used for maintenance, repairs and emergencies. The school department can not simply ignore all school maintenance and repairs pending litigation that hasn’t even commenced.”

In the end only McKay and Brimer supported the motion to request a freeze on these assets while the remaining three members of the council voted against it.

The school department’s budget was also discussed in more depth tonight during the annual joint meeting that marks the beginning of the finalization of the proposed school budget, said Town Manager Ralph Mollis.

The school department, Mollis said, makes up 64% of the town’s budget. He praised the strong funding and hard work that makes North Kingstown school department one of the most high performing in the state.

Superintendent Phil Auger said that the budget may be heavily affected if the legislature resets state aid. The pandemic led to changes in school enrollment all over the state and adjustments to state funds could mean less funding from the state to bolster the school department’s budget.

“With large changes in enrollment that RIDE is equating to students not being in school for whatever reason now this year… What they tried to do is smooth that number so you didn’t have huge changes because enrollment was down so much.”  said Chief Operating Officer Mary King. “They’re finding that this year, fiscal year 21-22, we’re seeing those same anomalies in some districts with wild changes in enrollment.”

Auger said that even if RIDE attempts to smooth over funding changes so districts don’t have drastic changes in their funding from this year to next, eventually the change will come if enrollment numbers continue to vary.

The remainder of the council’s meeting went smoothly with the unanimous approval of their consent agenda. This was the last public council meeting of the year. The first meeting of 2022 will be held at 7 p.m. on January 10.

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NK Town Council won't freeze school fund pending Thomas investigation - The Independent
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Suspension of listing pending a press release - GlobeNewswire

Derichebourg has asked Euronext to suspend the listing of its shares (FR0000053381) on Euronext, as of the opening of the market today, pending a press release.

ISIN code : FR 0000053381-DBG


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Suspension of listing pending a press release - GlobeNewswire
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Thursday, December 16, 2021

EPA: 2 additional SRE petitions filed, 67 now pending | - Biomass Magazine


The U.S. EPA released updated small refinery exemption (SRE) data on Dec. 16, reporting that two additional SRE petitions have been filed under the Renewable Fuel Standard for compliance year 2021. A total of 67 SRE petitions are now pending, up from 65 in November. No other changes were made to the EPA’s online SRE dashboard.

There are currently five SRE petitions pending for compliance year 2021, 28 SRE petitions pending for compliance year 2020, 29 SRE petitions pending for compliance year 2019, three SRE petitions pending for compliance year 2018, one SRE petition pending for compliance year 2017, and one SRE petition pending for compliance year 2016.

The EPA on Dec. 7 proposed to deny more than 60 pending SRE petitions. The agency said the proposed decision results from its review of the pending SRE petitions and supporting information; its legal technical and policy analysis of the Clean Air Act provisions relating to small refineries; and its application of the holdings of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in Renewable Fuels Association et al. v. EPA.

A public comment period on the proposal is open through Feb. 7.

Additional SRE data is available on the EPA’s website

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EPA: 2 additional SRE petitions filed, 67 now pending | - Biomass Magazine
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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Greece: 3 jailed pending trial for attack over virus checks - The Edwardsville Intelligencer

THESSALONIKI, Greece (AP) — Court authorities in the northern Greek town of Katerini late Monday jailed three people pending trial over an attack on a high school principal by vigilantes opposing virus restrictions.

Another eight suspects were released on condition that they present themselves regularly at a local police station, keep at least 400 meters (yards) away from schools and don't leave the country.

The attack occurred Friday near Katerini, some 70 kilometers (43 miles) southwest of Thessaloniki. Police said a group of people grabbed and handcuffed the 61-year-old principal ahead of a daily COVID-19 entry check of students at the school and forced him into a car. They drove him to a precinct where they invited police to charge him with ostensibly breaching constitutional freedoms.

Instead, police detained the suspected vigilantes. No trial date was set.

The suspects — nine men and two women — face criminal abduction charges, and lesser accusations including assault, disrupting the functioning of a school, using insulting language and breaking health regulations.

Greece has managed to tame a recent spike in infections with new restrictions on unvaccinated people, although daily COVID-19 death figures remain high. Roughly a quarter of the adult population remains unvaccinated, and the government recently announced an inoculation mandate for people aged over 60.

Vigilante groups have recently appeared in the northern city of Thessaloniki and nearby towns, one calling themselves The Custodians and wearing black uniforms, arguing that the restrictions are illegal and should be opposed by those defending the constitution.

The government has vowed to crack down on the groups, and on gangs that sell counterfeit vaccination certificates.


Full coverage of the pandemic:

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Greece: 3 jailed pending trial for attack over virus checks - The Edwardsville Intelligencer
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Sunday, December 12, 2021

The curious case of Letang’s pending contract - PensBurgh

The Maple Leafs’ No. 1 defenseman, Morgan Reilly, was set to become an unrestricted free agent at the end of the 2021-22 season. Instead, in the first month of the campaign, Toronto locked Reilly down for eight years with a $7.5 million AAV contract.

Since signing on October 29, Reilly is tied for third among all NHL defensemen with 15 assists in 19 contests as of December 9.

Reilly was already good. But midseason contracts, especially major ones like this, can boost your franchise by giving a vote of confidence to your team and your best defenseman.

Pittsburgh Penguins v Toronto Maple Leafs
Letang battles against Toronto’s Morgan Reilly.
Getty Images

Unfortunately, the situation with Pittsburgh’s top defenseman— a UFA at the end of this season— isn’t quite as simple.

In the last year of his current $7.25mil AAV contract, Kris Letang is already the 19th highest paid defenseman in the NHL.

Biggest defensemen extensions in the NHL

Defenseman Team Age when signed Date signed Years AAV
Defenseman Team Age when signed Date signed Years AAV
Erik Karlsson SJS 29 6/17/19 8 11.5
Drew Doughty LAK 28 7/1/18 8 11
Roman Josi NSH 29 9/29/19 8 9.059
Cale Makar COL 22 7/24/21 6 9
Miro Heiskanen DAL 21 7/17/21 8 8.45
Oliver Ekman-Larsson VAN 26 7/1/18 8 8.25
Thomas Chabot OTT 24 9/19/19 8 8
Brent Burns SJS 31 10/22/16 8 8
John Carlson WSH 28 6/25/18 8 8
Victor Hedman TBL 25 7/1/16 8 7.875
Jared Spurgeon MIN 29 9/14/19 7 7.575
Aaron Ekblad FLA 20 7/1/16 8 7.5

Because he will be 35 at the end of this season, Letang’s new deal would be on a 35+ contract.

There are just five active defensemen in the NHL playing on a 35-plus contract— and four of them are on one-year deals.

Active defensemen on 35+ contracts

Defenseman Team Age when signed Date signed Years AAV 2020-21 PP60
Defenseman Team Age when signed Date signed Years AAV 2020-21 PP60
Alex Goligoski MIN 35 7/28/21 1 5 1
Ryan Suter DAL 36 7/28/21 4 3.65 0.9
Alexander Edler LAK 35 7/28/21 1 3.5 0.4
Andy Greene NYI 38 7/17/21 1 1 0.3
Zdeno Chara NYI 44 10/10/21 1 1.5 0.6

None of these comparables, however, are Letang, who regularly averages around two points per 60— and is racking up points at a 1.9/60 rate through December 9.

Like we’ve seen with the Maple Leafs rallying around Reilly, a mid-season extension, even one for a single year, could serve as a vote of confidence for the defenseman that the team leans on for an average of almost 26 minutes per game— but it seems likely that the Penguins will wait to the end of the season to evaluate Letang’s health and production before doing anything, if they’re considering signing him at all.

So what do you think— is Letang closer in comparison to Ryan Suter (four years) or Alexander Edler (just one?)

Either way, both of those 35+ contracts were signed by a different team than the one the player had spent the majority of their career with. Will that be the case for Letang, if the Penguins continue to let the contract situation sit in limbo?

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The curious case of Letang’s pending contract - PensBurgh
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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Bears among best landing spots for pending free agent WR Davante Adams - Chicago Bears Wire

The Chicago Bears are well aware of the explosive threat that Green Bay Packers wide receiver Davante Adams presents. In fact, they’re often on the wrong side of it twice a year when Green Bay ultimately wallops Chicago.

But there’s optimism things could change in this Bears-Packers rivalry as quarterback Aaron Rodgers and Adams are both likely gone after this season — Adams as a free agent and Rodgers via some sort of trade, as he attempted to do earlier this offseason.

That would mean arguably the NFL’s best wide receiver would be on the open market, which is an enticing option for any team in need of receiver help.

Bleacher Report compiled a list of some of the best landing spots for Adams in 2022, and it wasn’t a surprise to find the Bears among them.

With Robinson likely to leave in free agency, the Bears will have some cap room to acquire a high-end replacement. And although its offense has been inept, Chicago’s defense has remained one of the league’s better units.

If Chicago’s brass can convince Adams to buy in on the offensive promise that can complement a high-quality defense, the Bears will be much better positioned to compete for a divisional title and playoff spot in 2022.

With Allen Robinson set to depart in free agency, Chicago needs to address the receiver position for quarterback Justin Fields, who needs some weapons other than receiver Darnell Mooney and tight end Cole Kmet.

Adams is set to become the NFL’s highest-paid receiver, and rightfully so, and the Bears could realistically afford him. While it might take some convincing to get Adams to come to Chicago, the right price would likely make it happen.

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Bears among best landing spots for pending free agent WR Davante Adams - Chicago Bears Wire
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Tally pending on whether Buffalo-area Starbucks workers voted to unionize - NPR

Will Starbucks have its first unionized corporate store or stores in the U.S.? Starbucks workers in upstate New York have cast votes on whether to join a union. The result is expected Thursday.

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Tally pending on whether Buffalo-area Starbucks workers voted to unionize - NPR
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Macau's Suncity shares halted, pending statement on 'possible loan default' - Reuters

A logo of Macau's Suncity Group is seen at a gaming fair in Macau, China November 18, 2015. REUTERS/Bobby Yip/File Photo

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HONG KONG, Dec 9 (Reuters) - Trade in shares of Macau's Suncity Group Holdings Ltd (1383.HK) and its unit Summit Ascent Holdings Ltd (0102.HK) were suspended on Thursday, pending a statement in relation to a possible loan default.

Alvin Chau, Suncity's CEO as well as the founder of Macau's biggest operator of junkets that bring in high rollers to play at casinos, was arrested last month over alleged links to cross-border gambling.

Suncity shares were halted pending an announcement "in relation to a possible loan default by an associate of the controlling shareholder of the company and possible enforcement of securities charged," Suncity Group said in a statement.

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Earlier this month, Chau's junket operations closed all of its VIP gambling rooms in Macau in the wake of his arrest. read more

Chau's junket operations, also called Suncity, are estimated to have accounted for a quarter of Macau's gambling revenue.

The closure of Chau's gaming rooms is expected to exacerbate pain for casino operators in the gambling hub and is expected to lead to closures in parts of Suncity Group such as restaurants, bars and hotels.

Macau's gaming regulator has also ordered junket operators in the former Portuguese colony to stop offering credit to customers, according to brokerage firm Bernstein. read more

With Chau's arrest, Macau and mainland Chinese authorities are adopting a zero-tolerance approach to the promotion of gambling in mainland China where it is illegal.

In tandem, they are seeking to rein in the flow of Chinese gambling-related funds into Macau and other gaming hubs - outflows that China last year deemed a national security risk.

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Reporting by Donny Kwok and Anne Marie Roantree; Editing by Stephen Coates and Edwina Gibbs

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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Macau's Suncity shares halted, pending statement on 'possible loan default' - Reuters
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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Egyptian rights researcher Patrick Zaki freed pending trial - Reuters

A banner depicting Patrick Zaki, an Egyptian researcher who was studying in Italy before he was detained and jailed in his home country, is seen on display on the facade of Rome's Capitol Hill, in Rome, Italy, January 25, 2021. REUTERS/Yara Nardi

CAIRO, Dec 8 (Reuters) - Patrick Zaki, an Egyptian rights researcher arrested last year on a trip home from Italy, was released from detention in Egypt on Wednesday pending the resumption of his trial on charges of spreading false information.

A picture published by the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) showed Zaki smiling as he hugged his sister on a street in his hometown of Mansoura, north of Cairo.

A judge in Mansoura ordered Zaki's release on Tuesday, saying his trial would restart in February. read more

His case has drawn wide attention in Italy, coming after the 2016 killing in Egypt of Italian graduate student Giulio Regeni shook relations between Rome and Cairo.

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Reporting by Aidan Lewis Editing by Mark Heinrich

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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Egyptian rights researcher Patrick Zaki freed pending trial - Reuters
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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Monday, December 6, 2021

UPDATE: Authorities say charges pending against Omaha driver as pedestrian death investigation continues - WOWT

OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - The Douglas County Attorney’s office on Monday was working to determine what charges to file against a man arrested after a woman was hit by a car Saturday in the Blackstone neighborhood.

Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine told 6 News that 30-year-old William D. Wright will eventually be charged with something — at the very least DUI — but there’s more investigation to be done. Kleine said OPD is trying to determine whether he was driving erratically or if there were other issues in the minutes before the crash.

For the time being, the charges the city filed against Wright have been dismissed, according to Douglas County Court documents signed Monday by Omaha City Attorney Matt Kuhse. Wright was still in jail as of Monday afternoon, according to court records, but authorities said he would be released pending official charges.

Kaitlyn A. Vanessen, 20, died after she was hit by a Mazda CX-5 around 2 a.m. Saturday near 38th and Farnam streets, Omaha Police reported over the weekend.

OPD said in a report issued later Saturday morning that they arrested the driver with a blood-alcohol content of 0.182, more than double the legal limit, and booked him on charges of motor vehicle homicide.

According to investigators, there’s video of the incident showing the driver had a green light and that the pedestrian walked into the street. 6 News was told the driver then stopped to render aid.

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UPDATE: Authorities say charges pending against Omaha driver as pedestrian death investigation continues - WOWT
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Pending Regulatory Approval, Sportsbook At Horseshoe Casino Could Open Friday - CBS Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — More than six months after sports betting became legal in Maryland, the first bets are expected to be made later this week.

This time tomorrow, invited gamblers will be placing bets at the Caesars Sportsbook at Horseshoe Baltimore as part of a controlled demonstration for the gaming officials.

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It’s the last hurdle before taking bets from the public as soon as Friday.

“We expect some very long lines,” said Horseshoe Casino Baltimore general manager Randy Conroy.

Finishing touches are underway Monday inside the ground floor of the casino.

“We’ll have every game visible,” said Conroy

Conroy showed us where bets will be made later this week.

“We’re 10 feet to go at the end of a marathon here,” he said.

In addition to the ticket window, there will also be 14 kiosks for people to place bets throughout the casino.

Maryland joins 28 states and D.C. to legalize sports betting. Voters approved it during the 2020 election and a bill was signed into law back in May.

More than 200 days later, only one final regulatory hurdle stands in the way of betting, which is expected to start Friday.

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“That’s kind of our final exam with the Maryland Lottery,” said Conroy.

The state’s application review commission voted last month to license sports wagering at five Maryland casinos.

Live! Casino showed us its sportsbook space in April.

For some, it’s better late than never.

“Lord, have mercy. Thank you, Jesus,” said Edward Simmons. “I get some money! Because I’m tired of going to Dover, Delaware.”

“We’re actually 12 weeks behind in the NFL season,” said Russell McPherson. “Look at the money lost.”

The commission has not yet opened the application process for mobile gaming licenses. Officials say it typically accounts for about 90 percent of total betting revenue.

“We would expect the same to occur in Maryland. I don’t see a reason why it would be different,” said co-chair of Taft’s Gaming Industry Group.

The “soft opening” under the watchful eye of gaming officials is tomorrow and Thursday.

They’re taking real bets and proceeds are going to Paul’s {lace, a local charity.

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If all goes well, they’re planning a ribbon-cutting and live betting on Friday. Gov. Larry Hogan, Mayor Brandon Scott, former Ravens Torrey Smith and Adalius Thomas, and Baltimore native and former NBA star Muggsy Bogues are scheduled to attend.

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Pending Regulatory Approval, Sportsbook At Horseshoe Casino Could Open Friday - CBS Baltimore
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City, county to consider hybrid public meetings pending Covid guidelines - Missoula Current

Dennis Bowman, deputy public works director, updates the Missoula City Council Monday on progress made in replacing the water system’s aging infrastructure during a pre-pandemic meeting. (Missoula Current file photo)

Pending feedback from epidemiologists, the city and county of Missoula could return meetings to a virtual format, though spatial constraints could bring new challenges as Municipal Court moves into City Council chambers on a temporary basis.

Chris Lounsbury, the county’s CAO, said the City-County Health Department is preparing guidelines for local government on public meetings in the wake of the latest Covid-19 spike. The results should be available this week.

“We asked (the health officer) for the epidemiology team, which was working on some guidance for the university system, to also look at guidance for local government like they provided the schools,” said Lounsbury. “Especially given there will be community variants with spikes beyond Delta.”

The City of Missoula continued in-person public meets into the spring of 2020 while testing its virtual system, which it did for the first time that April. Shortly after, the city ended in-person meetings and has relied upon a virtual format ever since.

Missoula Mayor John Engen said guidance from the epidemiology team could be considered in the months to come as the city considers returning to a hybrid format, where meetings would be held both in-person and virtually.

But that will depend on the virus and whether it moves from one spike to the next.

“We have the technology in place to do hybrid in council chambers, and I’m inclined to get back in person to for a period that folks want to,” said Engan. “Virtual has allowed more people to participate. We don’t want to create a situation where that will stop. You’re staving drive time, and there’s a lot to be said for those meetings being virtual.”

City Council and other volunteer boards meet at night, and council chambers would be available for Monday night City Council meetings. But council committees meet during the day, and council chambers will be occupied during that time by Municipal Court.

A third courtroom will be constructed in City Hall, but that will take time.

“We’ll be able to host Monday night City Council meetings in person, but we still have problems related to committees,” said city CAO Dale Bickell. “With all the problems everyone’s heard related to construction, we’ve had the same thing. We went out to bid and didn’t get any bids.”

The county also ended public meetings last year but returned to a hybrid system earlier this year. After the second Covid spike, however, it went back to a virtual format and remains there now.

Like the city, the county is waiting for health department guidance.

“I hope after a window of time for people to get boosted and kids to get vaccinated, we’d slip into some semi-permanence of hybrid meetings,” said Commissioner Josh Slotnick.

The vaccination rate in Missoula County is at roughly 68%.

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City, county to consider hybrid public meetings pending Covid guidelines - Missoula Current
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Singapore No Longer Allows Bitget to Issue Crypto Tokens Pending a License - Bloomberg

Singapore may have set its sights on becoming the world’s cryptocurrency capital. But its “buyer beware” approach to trading in risky digital assets doesn’t mean anything goes. A coin that works as a pension plan for BTS, the world’s most-famous K-pop group, is perhaps beyond the pale.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore, which had earlier allowed Bitget, a popular digital exchange, to issue tokens to Singapore investors pending a full license, suspended that privilege in July, the Financial Times reported Sunday. The exchange has attracted controversy by promoting Army Coin, whose goal is to “take care of BTS members for life.” Hybe Co., the band’s publicly traded management company, wasn’t amused by the unsolicited offer and has threatened legal action, according to the FT.

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Singapore No Longer Allows Bitget to Issue Crypto Tokens Pending a License - Bloomberg
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Sunday, December 5, 2021

Four suits now pending against Lipseys over Tesla crash into Maroon Creek - The Aspen Times

Two more negligence lawsuits have been filed against members of a former Aspen family over a Tesla crash involving five high school students in November 2018, increasing the total number of civil complaints over the matter to four.

Separate suits introduced Nov. 4 and Nov. 5 in Pitkin County District Court accuse negligence against driver Joseph Lipsey IV over the crash that resulted in two of the Tesla’s five occupants being seriously injured. The suit also named his parents, Joseph Lipsey III and Shira Lipsey, as defendants, as well as the family company American Emergency Response, a water and ice supply business that also held title to the Tesla.

One of the most recent suits, filed by Colorado Springs firm Sears & Associates on behalf of one of the passengers who was hospitalized, accused the parents of operating a permissive household where drugs and alcohol were readily available for consumption to adults and teens. That loose environment was the precursor of things to come, the suit said.

“This is a case about reckless parenting, a fast Tesla, and a teenage son who has been taught by his parents to believe that extreme wealth inoculates its owners to the consequences of bad behavior,” the suit said.

The suit claims the younger Lipsey was permitted to drive where he wanted to, when he wanted to, “notwithstanding his lack of driver’s training or valid driver’s license.”

“This history of recklessly permissive conduct at the Lipsey’s Aspen residence and the negligent entrustment of the Tesla to Joseph by his parents led to the catastrophic night of November 7, 2018, when Joseph flipped the Tesla into Maroon Creek with a car full of his teenage classmates,” said the suit, which also named one of the passengers as a defendant.

Lipsey IV was not originally behind the wheel the night the Tesla crashed, according to the suit. Rather it was the plaintiff, the suit said, who had test-driven the vehicle to entrance gate of the Maroon Bells, then pulled over on the side of the road.

At that point, the 17-year-old driver was coerced by one of the passengers and Lipsey IV to let Lipsey IV take the wheel. That’s what he did, and to the protest of the other passengers, was topping speeds of 90 mph before losing control of the Tesla between the road’s mile markers 2 and 3, where it began a broadside slide of 37 feet on the roadway and “continued to slide another 27.8 feet off the road until it became airborne for another 41 feet and struck a tree mid-air with its front end,” the suit said, noting the Tesla then went 172 feet down an embankment into Maroon Creek, where it landed right-side up and partially submerged.

Tracks from a Tesla that missed a turn on Maroon Creek Road and flew down an embankment into the Maroon Creek in November 2018. Five teens were in the car at the time, and four lawsuits now have been filed related to the crash.
Anna Stonehouse / The Aspen Times file

While creek water rose slowly in the Tesla and others managed to escape, the unconscious plaintiff/passenger was trapped inside the vehicle for nearly 50 minutes before authorities could extricate the victim, the suit said.

That suit also named the passenger who allegedly, with Lipsey IV, coerced the plaintiffs to give up the keys. Both Lipsey IV and the passenger “exerted pressure through statements, intimidating body language, and coercive conduct toward (the plaintiff) to achieve this unlawful goal,” the suit said.

That same passenger who is a defendant in one suit also is suing the Lipseys through the firm Springer & Steinberg PC in Boulder. That suit, however, makes no reference to the family’s alleged party lifestyle, instead focusing on Lipsey IV’s reckless behavior and failure to obey traffic laws and his parents’ allowing him to operate the Tesla though he did not have a driver’s license.

Lipsey IV was 18 years old at the time of the crash. He pleaded guilty in May 2020 to felony vehicular assault, as well as to misdemeanor counts of reckless endangerment and drug possession. He was sentenced to probation for two years.

The Lipsey couple was sentenced in July to one year on probation and 200 hours of community service each after pleading guilty to one misdemeanor count each of providing alcohol to minors. Those charges were not related to the November 2018 crash, but instead a January 2019 party. Joseph Lipsey III currently lives in Chatanooga, Tennessee, and Shira Lipsey in the Atlanta area, according to one of the lawsuits. The younger Lipsey currently is enrolled in college, according to court complaints.

Two lawsuits from the two other passengers also have been filed against the Lipseys in Pitkin County District Court. Those two suits have been served on the defendants; the two more recent filings have not, according to court records.

As of Sunday, there was no record of attorneys entering their appearance on behalf of the Lipseys or other defendants in the litigation.


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Four suits now pending against Lipseys over Tesla crash into Maroon Creek - The Aspen Times
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Firefighter with pending arson charges crashes while responding to fire, gets DWI - Wildfire Today

Firefighter Close Calls regularly sends out news about incidents that affect firefighters. Yesterday’s message described three that were rather bizarre.

  • Two firefighters in North Carolina were responding in their own vehicles at 2:30 a.m. when one of them ran off the road and crashed. Both were charged with Driving While Intoxicated. They were both were already scheduled to appear in court in January to face multiple unrelated counts of arson, and now will also have court appearances in January to face the DWI charges. One of them is in line to become Chief of his department in January.
  • A fire apparatus in North Carolina rolled over while returning from a parade.
  • A Paramedic holding onto the roll cage of a utility vehicle while riding a bicycle to an emergency call was pulled under the vehicle and killed in the Line of Duty.

Here are the details from Firefighter Close Calls:

Two North Carolina Firefighters have been charged with DWI following a crash responding to a fire. Orrum Township VFD Assistant Chief Kenneth Aaron Caulder Jr. and Fairmont RFD Deputy Chief Melquan Williams have been charged with DWI and had their driver’s licenses revoked for 30 days following a crash on Saturday, Williams was to become chief of the department in January.

Reports are that the two men were responding to a structure fire when the crash occurred. Williams was following Caulder’s vehicle. Both men were driving their personal vehicles.

Caulder crashed his Jeep on N.C. 41 around 0231 hours when the vehicle crossed the centerline, “ran off the road to the right and struck a ditch.” He refused to take a breathalyzer test.

Caulder and his female passenger, who were not wearing seat belts, were ejected. Both were transported by Robeson County EMS to UNC Health Southeastern for treatment of minor injuries. Cops said Williams had a strong odor of alcohol and later blew a .14.

In July 2018, Caulder and Williams were among 10 other Firefighters with Fairmont Rural and Orrum Township VFD’s charged with arson. Charges came after an investigation by the Robeson County Sheriff’s Office; State Bureau of Investigation; Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; and the N.C. Forest Service.

Caulder was charged with six counts of felony arson, burning a church, uninhabited house, store, two counts of felony setting fire to grass, brush, woods, and seven counts of felony conspiracy. He will appear in court for arson charges on Jan. 14 and on Jan. 20for the DWI charge.

Williams lost his job as a Maxton police officer in 2018 following the arson investigation, of which received charges of one count each of felony arson, burning a church, uninhabited house, store, and felony conspiracy. He will appear in court Jan. 7 for arson charges and Jan. 20 for DWI.


Four Chester County (near Philly) Firefighters were injured after the fire apparatus they were in was involved in a crash, causing it to overturn. On Friday afternoon, Dec. 3, Sadsburyville Fire Co. was dispatched to Sadsbury Township for a report of an electrical fire inside a house. The engine was traveling south on Old Wilmington Road in the direction of the initial incident. The fire engine then became involved in a rollover crash.

Fortunately the 4 Firefighters inside the fire truck were wearing seat belts. The Firefighters were able to self-extricate from the vehicle and were tended to by EMS responders on the scene. All injuries were minor.

A Hubert VFD fire apparatus returning from a parade rolled over this morning. The Captain was reportedly having chest pains just prior to the incident. KTIYP’s.

A Paramedic was holding onto the roll cage of a utility vehicle while riding a bicycle to an emergency call at the Little Rock Marathon on Nov. 21 when he was pulled under the vehicle and killed in the Line of Duty.

EMS Major Dean Douglas, 50, died in the Line of Duty last Friday at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences from severe head trauma caused by the crash.

About 1000 hours Nov. 21, two hours after the marathon started, Douglas and two other EMS members were dispatched to a call about a marathon runner needing medical assistance. Neothe EMS members in the UV were injured.

Major Douglas’ last act of heroism was donating his organs. A father of three, owned D2 Comics and More in Jacksonville, and was a volunteer Fire Captain with the Gravel Ridge Fire Department. He also was a Navy veteran who served in Operation Desert Storm.

Take Care. Be Careful. Pass It On.
The Secret List 12/4/2021-1545 Hours

Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.

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Firefighter with pending arson charges crashes while responding to fire, gets DWI - Wildfire Today
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